Care Jun 22, 2020

As it gets colder, people can often struggle with dropping temperatures and loneliness. Here are some simple tips to stay safe and happy this winter.

Tip 1: Wrap up with Winter Woolies

It is important that we are dressed for the cold when leaving the house. Wearing several loose layers, warm socks, winter scarves and wraps, help keep your body warm, as the air is held between the layers. If it is too cold, you could always stay inside, have a warm cuppa, relax to music or catch up on your favourite television series.

Tip 2: Stay positive

Just because the nights are getting darker and it is getting colder, doesn’t mean that winter has to be a depressing time. Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to in a while, read a good novel, take up a new hobby or get together with people you love. Connecting with friends and family will lead you to happier lives.

Tip 3: Keep the cold out

As the temperature starts to drop, it is important to dress in warm layers at home. For that extra warmth and cosiness, throw a rug over your legs, wear warm socks and slippers, and seal up openings around doors and windows. Curtains are also a great way to keep the warmth in, so pull the drapes closed. It is important that heaters and smoke detectors are checked regularly by a qualified professional, and if you need financial help with heating your home, you could check if you are eligible for the Energy Supplement to help with energy costs.

Tip 4: Eat healthy food

A balanced diet is essential during winter, when we tend to be less active, and more susceptible to coughs and colds. Regular hot meals, supplemented by fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, zinc and iron, will boost your immune system, as well as keep your energy up over the winter months.

Tip 5: Check in

Reach out to someone who may be alone this winter and check in on them occasionally. Sometimes, a gentle act of kindness, can cast a ray of sunshine, within the darkest place. With the cold preventing people from getting out often, those living on their own can often feel a sense of isolation and loneliness. If you can’t visit regularly, you could arrange for someone else to check in, to ensure your loved one is happy and safe.

How My Support Champion can help this winter

Winter can be a lonely time, and a source of worry for some. Additional help in the form of COMPANIONSHIP can be a good option, to assist you or a loved one with daily tasks, such as HOME CARE and PERSONAL CARE, and also provide a meaningful human connection that significantly improves the quality of life. Besides daily tasks, our support workers and carers can support you or a loved one in a range of activities, from walks, shopping, visiting parks or a trip to the movies. At My Support Champion we match support workers and carers to your needs, taking into account not only their expertise, but also your interests and preferences.

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